Sunday, January 16, 2011

An aquarium in the US are hoping to get a world record for displaying the most two-headed animals at once. Aquarium officials hope an exhibit that opens next week and runs through Sept. 5 will prompt the creation of a Guinness World Record for the most two-headed animals on display. Most two-headed pigs are stillborn or die shortly after birth. The turtle has six legs but only one tail. He would like to mate one of Lally's snakes, a two-headed albino rat snake named "Golden Girls. A two headed goat.Another two headed turtle. It's a two month old turtle which has two heads on the opposite ends of the shell, which is a rare variation of the conjoined turtle twins.

Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals Two Headed Animals


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